Five Day Pre-Derby Fish | Aug 15th - 19th Wawa’s 27th Annual Salmon Derby Don't Miss the Fun and Fishing! To qualify for the Early Bird Prize Draw, forms must be received and or postmarked no later than 6:00 p.m. July 17, 2009 with the appropriate amount in cheque or money order. Last Year’s Early Bird Prize was An All inclusive Fly In Fishing Trip for Two, Derby entry forms will be accepted until 5:00p.m. Friday, August 21th, 2009 Entry Fee $196.00 per team, One or Two person per team. More than One Two Person Team may be on a boat. However, if a boat has a Two Person Team Registered, a One Person Team may enter for $98.00 on the same boat. Pre order your 27th Annual Derby Shirt as only limited quantities will be available! Return this registration form by mail or register in person at Buck’s Marina. For up to date Derby Highlights please visit our website at www.wawasalmonderby.com Please Return Completed Registration Form to
Derby Headquarters is located at Buck’s