Five Day Pre-Derby Fish | Aug 15th - 19th
For more information call 705-856-4488 or toll free 1-877-273-3319
Wawa's 27th Annual Salmon Derby
- The Pre-fishing contest will begin Saturday August 15th and run to Wednesday August 19th.
- You must be registered in the 2009 Wawa Salmon Derby to be eligible to fish in the pre-fishing contest and to be eligible for any prizes.
- You must display your team number on the side of your boat while fishing the pre-derby and show your derby identification card in order to weigh in any fish caught.
- The prizes are awarded for salmon only during the pre-derby.
- There will be no tag-in, tag-out for the pre-derby.
- Fishing is to be within the regular derby boundaries. (See your copy of the official rules.)
- Rules #5, 6, 8, 10, and 18 will apply for the pre-derby.
- There is no designated fishing time but fish must be presented at the weigh station before 9pm. When the weigh station closes that day is concluded.
- Weigh in for the pre-derby will take place at the regular derby weigh station. Fish must be carried to the weigh station. The scales will be open from 9am to 11am and 7pm to 9pm each of the five days of the pre-derby.
- Prizes for the pre-derby will be awarded on the evening of Friday August 21 during the awarding of the prize for the largest salmon of that day for the main Derby.
Headquarters is located at Bucks Marina.
For more information call 705-856-4488 or toll free 1-877-273-3319.